Trefox is a multimedia CBT that is used to deliver Initial Security X-Ray Training to newly recruited x-ray operators before they start simulation and on the job training.
It can also be taken by more experienced personnel such as managers who wish to broaden their understanding of security x-ray technology.
Trefox can be given to screeners to study alone as it is narrated from start to finish and uses animations, text, and video to captivate trainees and improve their knowledge retention.
Trefox can also be useful for instructors as they are able to use the animations and audio available on Trefox to explain complicated subjects and events.
This x-ray theory course is available via e-learning or on DVD, takes 5 hours and provides 10 modules:
- History of X-ray
- Nature of X-rays
- The X-ray Tube
- Penetration and Absorption
- Security X-ray Machines
- X-ray Machine Features
- Prohibited Items
- Limitations of X-ray
- Procedures
- Health & Safety
Trefox also offers a 40 question test to ensure students have successfully retained the key concepts and learning points of the course.
Languages Available
English, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Chinese & Hebrew
Individual Course Path
Trefox provides students with the ability to choose their own course path giving them a unique learning experience based on their individual work style and learning needs.
Navigation Tools
Complete navigation tools on Trefox make it simple for students to view and navigate the course and to readily return to sections they have already viewed.
Consistent Message
Trefox eliminates the problems associated with different instructors teaching slightly different material on the same subject.
Faster Training
Multimedia courses like Trefox progress up to 50 percent faster than traditional courses. This is because the individualised approach allows learners to skip material they already know and understand and move onto the issues they need training on.
Trefox is available on DVD or via E-Learning. Take a look at the table below to see which option suits your organisation the best:
is already in use.