

OpeReady is a unique Operational Compliance Management System that enables Security Managers to monitor and control in real-time the operational compliance level of individual employees, units and key equipment within organisations.

Innovative Security Compliance

OpeReady provides a much needed innovation in the way compliance levels of employees are monitored and managed.

It rates an organisation’s current compliance level against a customized set of rules and displays the results using a quick view traffic light system.

Further details of why certain departments, employees or equipment are not complying with organisation requirements can then be looked into and acted upon quickly.


  • Improve link between Training & Operation by importing, analyzing and reporting data from S.E.M.S, Security CBTs & T.I.P systems.
  • Analyse and understand weaknesses in the operation with automated performance graphs and reports.
  • Predict compliance failures before they occur with a one click pro-active traffic light warning system.
  • Quickly locate, update and view key employee details by centralizing their records onto one easily navigable system.
  • Create, save, export, print and email customised reports detailing any of their employees’ details, performance and readiness over a specified period of time.

Who is it for?

OpeReady is used by organisations whose employees require regular training; especially those that have many regulatory requirements imposed onto them.


All your Employees’ Compliance Details in one Place

It is possible to map your whole organisation's structure on OpeReady. This makes it easy for you to keep track and view the full history of employee job status, location, training, testing and qualifications.

Additionally, departmental users can be created to look after their own team.

Traffic Light System

Supervisors and managers are able to get a quick overview of their employees’ operational compliance levels via a Traffic Light System which provides immediate feedback as to whether their levels are satisfactory, in need of attention or if immediate attention is required.

Graphics & Reports

Additionally, Performance Analysis Graphs provide details of employee performance levels over time and for each task performed.

Integration with Training & Operational Software

OpeReady has been developed to work alongside technologies and software such as T.I.P. (Threat Image Projection), OpSEM (Security Efficiency Management) and Simfox (X-Ray Training Simulator).

Your employees’ T.I.P., OpSEM and Simfox data can be fed automatically into OpeReady providing you with real time updates on their compliance and performance levels.

This integration of technology ensures you don’t have the tedious task of inputting numbers and reduces the possibility of human error.

Completely Customisable

OpeReady is a completely customisable system, ensuring it can be utilised by large or small organisations or installed in governing bodies such as the CAA or Department for Transport to identify and manage training and qualification requirements and records of thousands of employees with different jobs throughout the country.

OpeReady - Operational Compliance Management System - is available for a small initial fee followed by monthly payments based on the number of users on your system.

The license includes:

  • Comprehensive Training on how to get the most out of the system
  • Full Customisation of OpeReady to meet your organisation's exact needs
  • Free maintenance and software updates for the length of the contract
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